Biothermica develops and finances coal mine ventilation air methane (VAM) carbon projects based on its proprietary VAMOX® technology. Biothermica manages all development stages, from the design of the project to the commercialization of the emission reduction credits on the carbon markets. Project stages are typically as follows:
Feasibility studies and site selection
The first step consists in selecting the best site for the development of the project. The following technical and economic studies are undertaken:
- Assessment of the VAM resources
- Evaluation of site characteristics
- Economic and financial analysis
Financing strategy
If the studies are conclusive and the site’s characteristics are worth exploiting, Biothermica carries out the financing of the project, which comprises:
- Financial structure of the project
- Financial partners
- Project budget and schedule
Permits and authorizations
The necessary authorizations regarding the construction of the project are obtained from governmental and local authorities.
Construction, commissioning and operation
Once the necessary authorizations have been obtained, Biothermica proceeds to the construction of the project according to the established schedule. The company’s engineers also proceed to project commissioning and operation.
Carbon credit sales
Biothermica’s expertise covers the full carbon project cycle, as the company has developed projects under various international and national carbon standards since 2005. A carbon project is typically characterized by the following stages:
- Selection of a carbon standard
- Project Design Document development
- Validation of Project Design Document
- Project registration
- Implementation and monitoring
- Verification of emissions reductions
- Certification and issuance of credits
- Commercialization of emissions reductions